Winter, or especially the holiday season, can be a good time to undertake office renovations. In fact, by taking advantage of the summer break to carry out work, employees will be able to discover their new workspace as soon as they return to the office. Here are some examples of renovations you can do during the holidays. In any case, do not forget to rent a container Recybac! For the commercial construction sites, we offer containers up to 40 cubic yards.

Make the reception more attractive

When your clients walk into your office, the first thing they see is the reception desk – so it should reflect your company's image by being attractive, attractive and modern. First, set up a desk large enough for the receptionist. Then, set up a small waiting room. For more impact, opt for sofas or armchairs rather than chairs. Finally, paint the walls in company colors for a personalized look.

Maximize lighting

Did you know that inadequate lighting causes loss of productivity and health problems? In fact, when it is dark, employees are more likely to develop migraines. On the other hand, too bright lighting blurs the screens and can cause discomfort to the eyes. With the help of a lighting specialist, reconfigure your main lighting or add accent lamps to maximize your company's performance.

Reconfigure office layouts

The needs of a society vary over time. If you think you're running out of space, moving isn't necessarily the solution. What you can do is simply reconfigure the workspaces. To do this, look around the offices: are there any unused corners? Is there any unnecessary furniture? If so, you can use these spaces to add other desks. Don't forget to rent a container to recycle what is no longer useful!

Create an open space

When an employee works inside an enclosed space, they tend to isolate themselves from others. To encourage communication and the exchange of ideas within a company, it is necessary to break down walls and arrange an open space. This allows people on the same team to discuss and solve problems together. In addition, since partitions take up space, an open office allows you to add more workstations within the same surface area.

Modernize the conference room

Like the reception, the conference room is a place that will be frequented regularly by clients of all kinds. Consequently, it must also reflect the image of the company. If it looks outdated or old-fashioned, it's high time to modernize it. Brighter lighting, simple but modern decor, an impressive table and comfortable chairs are examples of solutions that increase the “wow” factor of a room without having to worry too much.

If you want to undertake renovations for your commercial premises this winter, consider Recybac. Thanks to our large selection of containers of all sizes, we are able to deliver the one you need for all your jobs. Contact us today!

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